Artificial Intelligence, Consciousness and the Future.

4 min readDec 21, 2022


More or less when I was 11 years old I read the first book by Isaac Asimov, one of my favorite authors, a work that would later be represented on the big screen by Will Smith, the movie in question is I, Robot the book of course has the same Name.

In said book, the author with an unprecedented vision recounts what would happen in a future where human beings manage to create artificial intelligence and robots are capable of helping and performing heavy tasks, among many other things, a hyper-automated and organized utopian world. It should be noted that the author foresees in history the birth of self-awareness in a machine which, despite the laws developed to keep this creation under “Control”, begins to make decisions that are not at all to the liking of its followers. creators. I list the laws right here;

  1. A robot will not harm a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  2. A robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except if these orders conflict with the first law.
  3. A robot must protect its own existence to the extent that this protection does not conflict with the first or second law.

Back in 1985, Isaac Asimov introduced in his book Robots and Empire, a fourth rule, called Law Zero of Robotics, with the following statement: “A robot cannot cause harm to humanity or, through inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.”

In short, this brief introduction, beyond highlighting my literary taste, is intended to make it clear that this is a topic that has been thought about, even decades before it developed to the level it currently has, and that as part of Through these reflections we can understand that such a great power can hardly be controlled or contained, or at least not for long. Although the human being by nature is optimistic and risky, so perhaps we can get a lot out of it depending on the evolution of our species, before our smarttv or Smartphone reveals itself against us.

With the arrival of the digital age, the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in the world of digital marketing has been immense. AI has transformed the way companies reach and engage with their customers, and has had a profound effect on the way digital marketing campaigns are delivered.

But not everyone is sold on the idea of AI taking over the world of digital marketing. Some users of social networks are concerned about the implications of AI for the future of this sector and how it will affect the daily lives of those who make an active life in this digital ecosystem.

After all, AI can be used to manipulate users into making certain decisions and choices, and it can be used to target certain demographics in a way that can be seen as unfair or unethical.

To get an idea of how social media users feel about the impact of AI on digital marketing, we asked some of our followers to share their thoughts. This is what they had to say:

“AI has a lot of potential to make digital marketing more efficient and effective, but I worry that it could be used to manipulate people into buying things they don’t really need.”

It lets us see a genuine concern about how this technology could influence their decisions. But there is more…

“It is a powerful tool that can be used to target audiences with precision and accuracy, but it can also be used to manipulate people into making decisions that are not in their best interest.”

Without crying please, as a graduate in visual arts and cartoonist with more than 20 years of experience, I have learned other branches of the arts and technology, I know how to program, model and illustrate digitally, I think that those who are afraid of AI are those who they are insecure about their abilities, art will always be the work of humans or conscious beings, and always made use of the latest philosophical, technological or cultural vanguards, take advantage of this new tool to learn, and integrate it into your artistic processes.

It is clear from these responses that social media users dismiss the harm it can cause or are wary of the implications of AI for digital marketing or even artistic processes and want to ensure it is used responsibly. AI can be a powerful tool, but it can also be used to manipulate people in ways that could be seen as unethical.

On the other hand, when AI is capable of developing strategies for any possible scenario, it also implies that its cognitive process is highlighted with the experience of thousands of professionals in the field, among other things, it can make certain loads obsolete.

certain positions that require special skills related to the ability to adapt to new challenges, therefore, it is time to take these new circumstances into consideration and make use of that energy to channel it according to our objectives. Writing professionals such as writers, journalists, artists, programmers, strategists and any professional who may feel displaced by this type of technology, observing some comments from people, we can also realize that they still perceive this type of AI as a simple tool .

However, the speed of its evolution can take by surprise all those who cannot perceive in time, if it still exists, the radical changes that it produces. As always, the ingenuity and human spirit is put to the test and we hope with Faith that it continues to prevail.




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